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Body Tuck Cost Delhi, Full Body Lift Surgery Procedure India

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Body Tuck and Body Lift

Body Tuck and Body Lift Manufacturers

If you are shying away from swimming, Spas or hot tubs just because your body is not complementing you well, there is good news for all you men and women! You can now undergo Body tuck and body lift cosmetic surgery procedures to get a well shaped attractive body without the pain and exhaustion of rigorous exercising or without enduring hunger pangs of dieting. The surgery will give you a stunning youthful firmer body that you can only fantasize about right now.

A body may get out of shape with excess fat and sagging skin because of factors like pregnancy and childbirth, aging, genetic tendencies, great fluctuations in weight etc. All this leads to poor tissue elasticity which causes the sagging in various parts of the body. A body tucks or body lift procedure is performed mainly on following areas:

Body Tuck and Body lift procedure

In a typical combo Body tuck and body lift surgical procedure, incisions are made at the location of excess fat and sagging skin area under local or general anesthesia. The most common technique of body tuck makes incisions in bikini pattern. This incision pattern helps in tightening the abdomen, the waist, groin, buttocks and thigh in one single comprehensive treatment procedure. The excess fat and skin are removed and the underlying muscles are tightened and the incision site is sutured in a manner that hides the mark beneath the undergarments and swimsuits.

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