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Male Breast Reduction Treatment Delhi, Male Breast Reduction Surgery India

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Male Breast Reduction In taiwan

Male Breast Reduction

Are you from taiwan and looking for Male Breast Reduction!

Cosmetic Getaway India is one stop destination for Male Breast Reduction Surgery. In medicinal terminology, this condition is known as gynecomastia. In this condition, excessive accumulation of fat across the breast takes place. This makes the breast of male equals in proportion to the female breast, causing inferiority complex in males. During the surgical procedure, the excessive fat is removed from the breasts, providing proper size. This surgical procedure is offered in Delhi (India). This is a complete medical package in which we help you in getting cost effective surgery. We make all arrangements for you so that don’t find any difficulty. Our representatives will provide you complete guidance during the procedure. The patients from taiwan should visit hospital of Cosmetic Getaway India for treatment.

Gynecomastia Procedure

Treatment options for gynecomastia include surgical removal of excess fat and granular tissue or liposuction. It may also be a mixture of both liposuction and surgical fat removal. The most common surgical procedure is the excision technique in which intra-areolar incision is made in the lower half of the areola which is the pigmented area surrounding the male nipple. From this incision, fats and tissues are removed surgically and the incision is suture back. In extreme cases of gynecomastia, the nipple needs to be repositioned after fat extraction.

Liposuction technique can be used to correct gynecomastia in cases where the breast formation is only because of excess fatty tissues. A cannula or a hollow tube is inserted into the treatment area through a small hole and it is moved in a back and forth motion which loosens the fatty tissues. Once loosened, the fatty tissues are sucked out from body by vacuum suction mechanism of liposuction device.

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